Holistic Pelvic Care ™ is a combination of physical and energetic tools developed by Portland-based physical therapist Tami Kent, to assess and restore balance to the pelvic space of the female body. Just as other major muscles of the body can become tightened, weakened and imbalanced due to stress, overwork or trauma, so can the internal muscles of the pelvic bowl.
Holistic Pelvic Care ™ utilizes gentle internal massage with restorative breathwork practices to physically and energetically re-align the pelvis. This approach helps to re-establishes balance, strength and awareness of the pelvic muscles and increase blood flow to pelvic organs.
Holistic Pelvic Care ™ is for women of all ages to enhance general wellness or to address specific pelvic symptoms.
Specific health conditions that may be improved with Holistic Pelvic Care ™ include (but are not limited to):
uterine prolapseincontinence
painful menses (PMS)
uterine fibroids
chronic vaginal and/ or bladder infections
history of pelvic trauma or abuse
preconception/ pregnancy preparation
postpartum recovery
healing from miscarriage or abortion
sacral/ SI joint / low back injury/ pain
pain with intercourse
Prema Health Holistic Pelvic Care ™ practitioners trained and completed their certification with Tami Kent, and uphold the principles and philosophy of this medicine in their private practices.